(BALTIMORE – July 31, 2022) – If we’re going to talk about Squeegee Kids, then we must also discuss all of these new addicts stalking the streets and alleys of West Baltimore. These addicts do not match the majority demographic here, yet one sees them everywhere.
However, nobody ever says anything about it on the news. Not ever! These addicts are often panhandling on corners, too. Then, they come in pairs or groups of three to cop their drugs. After they cop their drugs, they search for the nearest place to shoot up. Never mind if it is in front of your house. Who cares if your kids see it? They see it every day already, right?
Never mind that you are a tax-paying citizen due the same respect, service, and level of concern by authorities as people living in … say, Bolton Hill. Right?
We now have needles on the ground everywhere, including on the playground. We now have people defecating on the sidewalk. We even have people shooting dope in public.
Really? Really!
This has never happened in my community ever before in the history of Blackness.
Why is it that these nuisances are never mentioned on the news?
What? It’s acceptable to put the spotlight on the Squeegee Kids – who happen to be Black, but these new addicts are off limits because they are white? They are crashing into vacants and setting up house. They are all around the train tracks off Pennsylvania Avenue.
What in the hell is this madness? Am I the only one who sees it?
Because the news never speaks on this says that they are either ignoring it or they just don’t know. Whatever the case, there is an imbalance in news coverage in Baltimore and, as always, race is the issue.
Having been born and raised in this city, I can tell you one thing for certain, and two things for sure: If Black addicts were drifting around Guilford like white addicts trudge through my community, they’d be locked up faster than a Baltimore speed camera.
So, you’re damn right I’d love to see the Consent Decree revisited and modified. I am not saying lock everybody up. Of course not! However, law and order has to be restored for Blacks and whites. The behavior I am witnessing in the streets of Baltimore has gone way overboard and it has to stop.
There is no respect on these streets. Everybody is off the hook.
A man said it best today on the news: This is everybody’s problem and it is going to take all of us working together to make it better. This includes people with substance abuse issues. There is treatment available. There are solutions. We can and must do better than this – for everybody’s sake!