(BALTIMORE – December 19, 2022) – Kudos to Stephanie of S&F Caring Arms Foundation and the numerous volunteers from across the DMV who made Christmas a little more special for those in need. On Sunday, over 100 members of the Brazen BMW Club led by club president Dillon Thomas and Ambitious Whips Car Club led by Vincent Harris from the greater Washington DC region came to Baltimore City to deliver hundreds of toys donated by Amazon to bring Christmas smiles to families in need this holiday season.
With the increase of RSV and the continued threat of COVID-19, it was important to every partner involved to give, but to give safely. Thus, a festive outdoor event was fitting.
“The holiday season is especially tough this year as many families continue to rebuild after losing jobs and businesses as a result of COVID,” said Brazen BMW Club President Dillon Thomas. “It was important for us to give back this year bigger than ever.”
The Christmas Caravan led by a Baltimore City Police escort to anxiously awaiting children at the Mount Clare Junction Shopping Center at 1223 W Pratt Street.
Children anticipating the arrival of toys were greeted and entertained by a local marching band, The New Baltimore Christian Warriors, and the soulful Christmas sounds from DJ Sean Marshall.
In the holiday spirit of “it takes a village”, many trusted community partners came together in hopes of making this year’s event both safe and successful.
Luxury bag brand TW Tote, which wants to change how people view fashion and sustainability, partnered to ship the toys to the children.
Local nonprofit organizations Know Your ABCs, S & F Caring Hands Foundation, and Treyway Multi Treatment Services were on hand acting as elves, navigating the crowd and making certain that every parent that arrived with a child left with a toy and something to eat.