(BALTIMORE – March 16, 2024) – It is with great excitement that I shout to the highest mountains on this day, “Happy 197th Anniversary to the Black Press!” Don’t laugh, but it wasn’t until last year that I learned that today – March 16th – is the actual birthday of the Black Press. Freedom’s Journal, the first Black newspaper established in the United States, was first published on March 16, 1827, in New York City by Samuel Cornish and John Russwurm. This was the same year that slavery was outlawed in New York – another unprecedented development in the sordid history of this country.
Upon learning about this important fact in my industry (Special thanks to Cheryl Smith of Texas Metro News for the pointer!), I have been on a personal mission to do something special on this date. Last year, some Black news people here in Baltimore had a luncheon. Today, we produced a new broadcast featuring the White House Black Media Director Rodericka Applewhaite along with Black news publishers from Greater Baltimore and the broader DMV.
For me, the 16th of March has been the day my mom got her wings. And frankly, I’ve come a long way in 39 years. So, honestly, to learn last year that this is the day that my industry was born in America made this day really significant. It’s like a resurrection, a rebirth with new and improved meaning.
Anyway, Happy Black Press Day to all! And do support Black media with your dollars!