Dear Community Leader,
You’re Invited: Shape Your City Workshop!
This fall, please join the Department of Planning to talk about urban planning and development in the City of Baltimore. We need your ideas and your vision for what gets built where across town.
Please also note the full range of Citywide topics on the One Pager attached.
Please join us for the West Workshop and share the information attached with your family/friends!
When: Monday, 10/17 from 5:30-7:00 PM
Where: 1601 Pennsylvania Avenue (Shake and Bake)
At each workshop, we will be working with you to generate recommendations for priority topics. These topics were identified through public engagement over the last year. The west area meeting topics are listed below.
Topics for the October 17th Workshop:
1) Food Access/Security
2) Environmental Justice
3) Vacant Housing
At each workshop, we will cover ONE priority “spotlight” topic in depth. We’ll go deep into this topic – how it relates to Baltimore today, and your ideas for making things work better. The goal is to generate achievable and impactful recommendations. We will briefly cover the other topics as well.
Please also feel free to attend the additional workshops, or the workshop highlighting the topic of greatest interest to you. A full schedule (Attached) and more information is available at
Also, additional opportunities to provide input will be available online.
Lastly, on December 3rd, all topics will receive additional coverage at a public event (location TBD). The plan document will be drafted in 2023 based on the input and ideas generated this fall.
If you have any questions, please feel free to let me know.
Thank you.
Chad Hayes
Director of Community Planning and Revitalization
City of Baltimore │Department of Planning
417 E. Fayette St., 8th Floor │Baltimore, MD 21202
Phone: 410-396-3958