( BALTIMORE – October 20, 2024) – Be sure to tune in to the next edition of the Emmy-nominated Doni Glover Show on Monday, October 21, 2024. The Doni Glover Show, hosted by

the award-winning BMORENews.com publisher, streams LIVE Monday through Friday at 9 a.m. EST on Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube. Our guest will be Professor of Law Professor Larry Gibson, Esquire.
Topics to be discussed include the upcoming Presidential and Maryland US Senate elections in November. In both races, Black women represent the Democratic Party.
Larry S. Gibson (born March 22, 1942) is a law professor, lawyer, political organizer, and historian. He currently serves as a professor at the Francis King Carey School of Law at the University of Maryland, Baltimore, where he has been on the faculty for 38 years. Gibson currently serves as counsel for the firm of Shapiro, Sher, Guinot, and Sandler. He was the principal advocate for the legislation that renamed Maryland’s major airport, the Baltimore Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport, and published Young Thurgood: The Making of a Supreme Court Justice in 2012.