2.16.23 The Black Business Round Table: Allyssa Victory, Barack Obama Shaw, Tura Ha!
WELCOME New and Returning listeners to today’s episode of “The Black Business Roundtable!” I am your host Doug Blacksher broadcasting to you LIVE from the city of Diversity Oakland California. Allyssa Victory Esq., with her 30 minutes segment “Victory’s Corner”, Barack Obama Shaw running for Governor for 2026 we have FIRST TIME GUEST Tur Ha discussing “Moving Oakland Forward” in 2023! UPDATES on #JusticeforEnzo, Ark Republic & The Black Colorado Ranchers! #victoryforoakland #barackdenzel #BarackObama4govca #arkrepublic #GovofCO #epcsheriff
A heartfelt Thank YOU as always to Mr. Doni Glover of for the honor of “The Black Business Round Table” being a part of your growing Network dedicated to bringing the real unfiltered news, before the News! #BlackUSA.news #DoniGlover
February 16, 2023 as Noted via the National Day Calendar www.nationaldaycalendar.com today is: “National Almond Day” #NationalAlmondDay
Some Current Events:
Jackson Mississippi has a WHITE SUPERMAJORITY & Segregation, Students at St. Hubert Catholic High School for Girls located in Philadelphia PA -Blackface & Expulsion, Lodi CA City Council Zoom meeting 2/15/23 & #justiceforenzo the Husky!
#yourrightscamp #jacksonmississippi #sthubertbambies
This week’s BBRT Thumbs UP and Thumbs DOWN goes too: Who made “THE BBRT NAUGHTY LIST 2023” this week? Stay Tuned to find out! Don’t receive the THUMBS DOWN in #TheTown do BETTER! You are WELCOME to come and talk with us about it and make it RIGHT! #BBRTNAUGHTYLIST #BBRTNAUGHTYLIST2023
Todays SHOW Highlights:
Allyssa Victory Esq. on “Victory’s Corner” re: ADEM slates historic win, California Reparations and ACA4 to “Free the Vote”. Barack Obama Shaw will give us an update on what he has been doing to get his campaign up and running for 2026. Guest Tur Ha will speak about “Moving Oakland Forward”
My Show Guest Today Include:
-“Therapeutic Thursday” Check-in w/Dr. Ashley Coleman – PsyD, Tenured & Immediate past Dept. Chair/Assistant Professor of Psychology at the university of the West. NEW: 988 is the “Suicide and Crisis Lifeline” and available 24/7 (Text, Chat) Women in our audience looking for a Therapist: www.therapyforblackgirls.com & Men in our audience looking for a Therapist: www.therapyforblackmen.org
-Allyssa Victory, ESQ., is a civil rights leader, educator, and licensed attorney serving across the Bay Area and state of California. on Instagram @victoryforoakland #victoryforoakland
-Barack D. Obama Shaw – See him on Instagram @barackDenzel #BarackDenzel or Facebook: Barack Denzel (Barack D. Obama Shaw). #BarackObama4govca
-Added Guest as of TODAY is – Tur Ha “Moving Oakland Forward”
National Political Highlights:
– Matt Gaetz update: The Department of Justice (DOJ) appears to be OVER and no charges are forthcoming.
News of the Day:
February 16, 1847: Missouri Prohibits Education of Black People. Courtesy of EJI (Equal Justice Initiative) Visit – for more information and to read the full story of this day in our Black and Brown History
If YOU want to be in the KNOW and reach our audience then join our “BBRT” ADVERTISING family or to be a possible GUEST on the show reach us via our email: bbrt2021@hotmail.com INCLUDE Your COMPANY NAME, ADDRESS, WEBSITE, Company Phone Number & Social Media Page INFO to our email address: bbrt2021@hotmail.com for VETTING consideration.
Keeping Tabs on Justice and asking our audience for your help
Please listen to the back-story on Carlton
( ) Sharing his HASHTAG #StandWithCarltonOfRaleighNC2022
#DrivingWhileBlackMichaelThrashTaylorCountyTX attached is our podcast link from 10.14.21 listed once again in today’s podcast description ( ) update the next TRIAL DATE is FEBRUARY 27, 2023!
We return Thursday February 23 Amos White, Environmental Executive & Climate Evangelist. Thank you Audience for tuning in and Remember together we can Listen, Learn and SHARE because I know you care!
#TheBlackBusinessRoundTableBlacksher🎙 & #TheBlackBusinessRoundTableDrAshley🎙#eji #barackobama4govca #urbancowgirlranch #kinfolxcoffee #urbancowgirl510 #nileswimclub #thebusywife2017 #fiftysevennorth #slapbayarea #lobjetwines #aasegoakland #gardenslakemerritt #blackcowboymuseum #millennialdemocrats #TheMaskedLawStudent #thetowntogether #thetown #elihuharris #janani4oakland #shengforoakland #kevinJenkins510 #victoryforoakland #newyearnewleaders #BlackFarmLandOwnersMatter
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