Emotionally Intelligent Nation

(Washington D.C. – July 10, 2024) Great minds — like Damon Smith, General Counsel for Housing and Urban Development —  have a skill to make things simple: “In a nutshell, Rodney, the housing supply has not kept up with demand – for decades.” White House leaders aim to address these needs with innovative steps.  The Biden-Harris Administration is announcing new efforts to curb housing costs and lower barriers to homeownership, in partnership with HUD. Pathways to Removing Obstacles to Housing (PRO Housing) grants will empower communities nationwide through locally-led planning, infrastructure, development, and preservation activities in 21 communities. As a…

Emotionally Intelligent Nation: If I Worked in Your Shoes…

(Washington D.C. – April 17, 2024)  What is it like to leave everything you know?  Everything you love?  And start over? Growing up, my family moved a lot. I felt very transient, lacking any real stability. Between kindergarten and 12th grade, I attended about 9 different schools and lived in approximately 11 different homes during the same time period. Mine was the result of an unfortunate set of circumstances.  Understandably, nobody would choose to live that kind of life on purpose—except military families.  They do it all the time.  The life of a military person is one of transience—moving, relocating,…

Emotionally Intelligent Nation: As We Learn Better, We Do Better

(WASHINGTON D.C. – April 15, 2024)  “Rodney, when you learn better, you do better. And that’s why the President is releasing his plan…” – Chair Brenda Mallory, White House leadership team.  I had the pleasure today of catching up with Chair Brenda Mallory, who was confirmed by the United States Senate and sworn in as the 12th Chair of the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ). She and I had a meeting scheduled for last week to discuss the President’s Plan on the future of drinking water for millions of Americans. Our time slot was unexpectedly bumped just before we met,…

Emotionally Intelligent Nation: Promise Kept

(Washington D.C. – April 12, 2024) “Promise, Kept.” This two word phrase was repeated several times by The President of the United States, in his remarks to the organization, the National Action Network (NAN), led by seasoned and accomplished advocate, the Rev. Al Sharpton.  With each repetition of that key phrase — Promise, Kept — the President was the taking the time to remind America:  I’m not just Commander in Chief; I care.  You see, a key component of any type of leadership is the comfortable ability to connect with the people who are served.  And as the old…

Emotionally Intelligent Nation: Run, like Water

(Washington D.C. – April 11, 2024) What can we learn from water? And what insights can be gleaned about the emotionally intelligent future of our great nation?  These were questions I pondered in preparation for my conversation with Brenda Mallory, the 12th Chair of the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ). Earlier this week, the President unveiled his “Investing in America” plan, aimed in part at improving the drinking water for millions of Americans nationwide. To delve deeper into the specifics, I reached out to Chair Mallory’s office for a one-on-one discussion, which she graciously granted. Just before our scheduled time,…

Emotionally Intelligent Nation: Win-Win-Win spells Relief!

(WASHINGTON D.C. – April 9, 2024) “We often are conditioned with the idea that, ‘in order to win some, we have to lose some’, but maybe there are times when the paradigm changes and we look for the win-win.”  – K. Jackson.  These are the wise words from Professor Kirabo Jackson, Special Advisor to the President on Economics.  He and I had a brief conversation today about the President’s Plan for relief to those burdened with Student Loans — many of whom first incurred these loans when they were barely 18/19 years old.  Think about that. These oftentimes are individuals…

Emotionally Intelligent Nation:  “Building Bridges is the Key”

(WASHINGTON D.C. – April 5, 2024)  The thunderous sound was both booming and awe-inspiring. It was a cold and drizzly day, with intermittent sprinkles adding to the chill in the air. The President of the United States flew overhead in his specialty, super-modern helicopter. It was gigantic, with twin rotors spinning outstretched from the plane like wings, positioned to spin overhead. From a distance, it almost resembled a drone due to its shape, but as it approached its magnificence and volume became increasingly evident. The President, accompanied by the Governor of Maryland, Wes Moore, surveyed the aftermath of the massive…

Emotionally Intelligent Nation: Easter Day quarrel at the White House?

(WASHINGTON D.C. – April 1, 2024) – Imagine the scene… … with gray skies overhead and intermittent drizzle throughout the day, the outdoor temperature barely peaking over 45°F, conditions that would prompt most to remain indoors, 20,000 Americans from all walks of life still chose to converge on the South Lawn of the White House to enjoy the festive spirit and good vibes of the Annual Easter Egg Celebration. The air and the energy were rife with positivity and goodwill.  So, imagine the surprise when two individuals, not 200 yards away, began an intense screaming match. Based on the very…