(BALTIMORE – May 3, 2023) – Tune in Friday at 9 am EST on Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Twitter as we talk with Marques Dent on the Emmy-nominated Doni Glover Show.
Who is Marques?
A true community advocate, Marques founded the D.E.N.T Group (Delivering Educational Needs Together) in 2011. This program originally was solely offered at the Oliver Community Center, and has grown across the city, and is now being taught at Belair Edison, Lanvale Towers, Youth Opportunities Baltimore, and Living Classrooms.
This program is open to all residents throughout the City of Baltimore and is designed to teach residents the necessary computer skills needed for today’s workforce. The training program is also designed to prepare residents interested in obtaining employment in the IT field, to achieve the needed Certifications.
The D.E.N.T Group also hosts two annual events: “Back to School Baltimore” held in August which provides the necessary school supplies, including Back Packs, to families throughout the city; and “Holiday Help” held in November, which delivers thousands of pounds of food to needy families around the Baltimore Metro Area.