(Washington D.C. – July 10, 2024)

Great minds — like Damon Smith, General Counsel for Housing and Urban Development — have a skill to make things simple:
“In a nutshell, Rodney, the housing supply has not kept up with demand – for decades.”
White House leaders aim to address these needs with innovative steps.
The Biden-Harris Administration is announcing new efforts to curb housing costs and lower barriers to homeownership, in partnership with HUD. Pathways to Removing Obstacles to Housing (PRO Housing) grants will empower communities nationwide through locally-led planning, infrastructure, development, and preservation activities in 21 communities.

As a country, given our historical approach of fulfilling basic needs individually, we might not always understand the value of programs aimed at creating affordable housing. According to many of us, we wholehearted value the intrinsic truths of such statements as:
If you teach a man to fish…
… And if you feed a stray…
However, government assistance to wealthier companies is

often seen as “subsidies” or “stimulus,” while aid to individuals is labeled as “welfare” or “public assistance.”
So then, what do we do about this American ideal of ‘pulling oneself up by the bootstraps’? Does it have a place in this conversation?
Why yes, it fits in nicely here, especially when coupled with the phrase:
“If it were me, I would hope that…”
You see, this phrase instantaneously increases emotional

intelligence in the moment. The spirit of these phrases emphasizes the importance of helping communities address their identified barriers — so that they can then join us in pulling themselves the rest of the way.
In a sense, it reminds me of Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, where shelter is the base need, and self-actualization is at the top.
Interestingly enough, some cultures see self-actualization as a human right, fulfilled when basic needs are met. — In our society, individual capability to move up the needs chart and fulfill our purpose starts with housing.
America is only as strong as its weakest link.

Strengthening the weakest among us is crucial to our nation’s stability.
Understanding this is the essence of Emotional Intelligence; acting on it is where true value lies.
As our nation embarks on this journey, let’s strive to work in harmony through our words, deeds, and actions. Let’s ensure everyone is on the pathway to reach the pinnacle of their full potential.
As a nation, we thrive when we all succeed.
My name is Rodney C. Burris. I am the White House Correspondent for BMORENews, a media outlet in Baltimore where our slogan is, “the news before the news.” This column will look at the events impacting our nation and filter them through the lens of Emotional Intelligence theory. Our goal will be to inform, to make aware, to facilitate connectivity, and then to increase the overall understanding of ourselves as a collective as we take a deep dive into the topics affecting our Emotionally Intelligent Nation.