2002-2022, 20th Anniversary Reflection
By Doni Glover, Publisher
(BALTIMORE – November 28, 2022) – African Americans comprise some 63% of the population of Baltimore City. We make up 30% of the state. We have Blacks in every stratum of government and we have Blacks on boards of major foundations right here in the City of Baltimore.
Yet, the news coverage of this very same community is so often framed by people who do not look like us, and frankly, it leaves a lot to be desired. Therefore, has tried to fill that void for the past 20 years.
It is our aim to spread light on the good but to also correctly frame the bad.
For instance, now that cannabis is a business, what about all of the Black men incarcerated over possession?
In our five-point agenda, helping returning citizens is a part of our mission as a news organization because mass incarceration disproportionately disaffects Black people. We’re only 13% of the US population but damn near 50% of those serving time in a nation that has 25% of the world’s inmates.
When the Black Press was first born, slavery was in full effect. Those days are long gone, but the mission remains to properly bring light to the issues in the Black community with the same humanity and compassion afforded any other people.