By Doni Glover, Publisher

(BALTIMORE – November 11, 2022) – If you haven’t had the opportunity to meet Wes and Dawn Moore, I encourage you to take the time to do so. They are a very approachable couple – with two beautiful and polite children, Mia and James. I had the chance to cover the Moore family this afternoon at the Baltimore Convention Center as former Baltimore Raven Jameel McCain and the Salvation Army of Central Maryland joined forces to feed 5,300 families.

Honest to goodness, I photographed countless Marylanders meeting Moore for the very first time. They all were excited. And the children absolutely adore him. He has a tender way with children, you know? To say the least, he inspires me as a father and grandfather. He is the quintessential family man. Beyond that, he has a magnetism that wows people. I have no doubt that he will serve all of the people of Maryland well. And again, yes. Yes, I see him in the Oval Office next.

But first – he has to make rounds. Earlier in the day, Moore and his faithful team visited the Bea Gaddy Center. Cynthia Brooks, a veteran of the US Army, was absolutely thrilled that the most important man in the state politically stopped by to help out. I personally couldn’t ask for more in a governor. As Baltimore City Councilman Robert Stokes looked on, Brooks was so delighted that Moore made the Bea Gaddy Center a part of his rounds today.

Although the election is over and he doesn’t get sworn in until January 18th, Moore nonetheless had four stops today. In addition to the Convention Center and the Bea Gaddy Center, Moor also toured the United Way’s Transformation Center on 4th Street and helped Bishop Donte Hickman with Thanksgiving food distribution at Southern Baptist Church.

Photos at Bea Gaddy

Photos at Convention Center

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