By Doni Glover, Publisher
(BALTIMORE – April 28, 2024) – In my childhood neighborhood in West Baltimore, we had outstanding basketball and football players. However, there was also a particular segment of the brothers who played baseball. Kevin Clark, Mark Clar, Billy Johnson, Keith aka “Pickle”. Before them, there were the likes of Michael Cryor.
Yes, Mike Cryor was a baseball standout. So was “Doc” Cheatham. Don’t forget Mayor Kurt Schmoke. And don’t forget Elijah Cummings, the late Congressman from the 7th.
While basketball and football both require a unique skill set, baseball is slower. However, it is also a thinking man’s game.

And coaches like Mr. Tom White taught us the fundamentals. Back then, he coached the Giants. “Peanut” was their catcher, and “Stink” was their pitcher. I always thought he was a bit big for his ago, but hey, who knows? All we knew was when he got to the plate, he was likely to hit a homer.
The Davis brothers: Eric, Kevin, and Kenny. Coach Marlon. My coach was Charlie Hughes. While we lost like it was nobody’s business our first year in the league, by our third year we won the championship. I played centerfield that game because the centerfielder was on vacation (Thanks, Stevie!)
I had to bunt for damn near three years, but by the fourth year – it was on and poppin’.
Ahhhh! Those were the days. I’m just glad that the league is still around. It’s been 65 total years of baseball in the community. It saved our lives, taught us valuable lessons, raised us into men, and gave our families golden memories.
Thank you, James Mosher!