Submitted by Clarence “Tiger” Davis
(BALTIMORE – November 7, 2024) – Over the past few years, especially at the local level of politics, African Americans have increasingly expressed their displeasure and disappointment with the Democratic Party. I, too, have reservations. In fact, I have stated on many occasions over the past ten years, “We take the party to the dance, and the party dances with everyone but us.”
Most recently, I have received letters expressing contempt for the party and its abandonment of our community once elections are over. While acknowledging their concerns, I have responded to each party critic by invoking W.E.B. DuBois’s observation during World War I wherein he stated: “We must close ranks” for there is a greater enemy over there – meaning Germany! DuBois then encouraged all able-bodied black men to enlist in the military and combat the Axis’ threat to human progress. My dear brothers and sisters, “There is a greater enemy in the White House: We must close ranks!”
In telephone conversations, I reminded my dear friends of the Compromise of 1876, which effectively ended Reconstruction and allowed the Redeemers, coupled with their paramilitary arms such as the KKK, to regain political supremacy and restore human and economic oppression in the Old Confederacy, which endured for another 100 years. All was lost with one single election.
John Hendrik Clarke, the great African historian, says, “All history is current events. Whatever happened 5,000 years ago, 500 years ago, or five minutes ago will determine what happens five minutes from now, 500 years from now, and 5,000 years from now. All history is current events.” We are still struggling to overcome the effects of Jim Crow and the methodical terrorism we faced from the end of the Civil War through the 1960s – all of which resulted from the election of 1876.
Notwithstanding our concerns with the Democratic Party, we must close ranks! The current administration presents a clear and present danger for us and all humankind. I now understand why ordinary Germans did not stand up to Hitler and his Nazi mobs. These people controlling our government are referred to as neo-conservatives, but careful examination ultimately leaves you with no other characterization but “fascists.” The war in Iraq is unwarranted and severely hampers our efforts to track down and neutralize our enemies who attacked our nation on 9/11; the Attorney General, John Ashcroft, has raped our Civil Liberties and will attempt to assassinate the Bill of Rights if given the opportunity; and the racist elements among us have been encouraged. The world is offended, and only a few English-speaking governments, not the people, stand with us, along with a handful of paid mercenary governments.
The current administration paints its mission as a crusade to spread democracy. The reality is that this administration is polarizing America, destroying democracy at home, and winging from the hip with no clear direction on where it’s leading us. Mistakes are wrapped in the flag while their unabashed lies are justified by linking the entire Islamic world to terrorism – ignoring the fact that the same enemies we face are the same enemies secular Islamic governments have been fighting for years. Further, we financed, trained, and nurtured these enemies during the Cold War as a buffer against Communism. If we do not alter our course, we will face the enemies of old. Russia is not dead, and the same brand of radical Islam threatens Russia, although we finance the Russian enemies. Somehow, we find them acceptable, but then, so was Osama bin Laden. This administration doesn’t have a clue!
You and I must save America from the devious, self-serving, and corrupt individuals who control our government. We must close ranks, once again, for the promise of America. The one thing I am sure of is “the hope America once offered the world can be recovered and nourished.” Our system of government, our creed as a people, and our hope for mankind is righteous. We must never abandon our love for America and the hope that America brings to the world. We must close ranks NOW.
Reread “Operation Roots.” You can impact history. Assume personal responsibility for the Kerry-Edwards ticket. You might not receive public accolades for your effort, but inside, you will feel good when victory is ours. You will know that you did the best you could to alter the current course of history. Remember, you once put your life on the line in combat. Is it too much to ask you to give a few days of your time to “Save America.”