(BALTIMORE – August 22, 2023) – Be sure to attend the next Black Wall Street BALTIMORE scheduled for Wed., Aug. 23, 2023, from 6 to 8 pm at Terra Cafe Bmore located at 101 E. 25th Street.
RSVP to https://blackwallstreetbmore.eventbrite.com/.
Honorees include Brandon Clayton.
Who is Brandon?
In his own words …
“My name is Brandon Clayton. Born and raised in Edmondson Village in Southwest Baltimore, I served on the Baltimore City Youth Commission from 2018-2020 where I had the opportunity to serve over 5,000 youth & families. Wanting to do more for the youth of Baltimore City, I started my own nonprofit organization in 2020 called Young Successful Leaders, Inc. (YSL) Personally, I have a background in nonprofit profit organization management, youth development, strategic planning, and leadership development.