(BALTIMORE – October 7, 2022) – BmoreNews.com has been following the story of the devoted Hoe’s Heights residents and their fight to have access to their road to Roland Avenue apparently because some very mean-spirited residents in Roland Park along with Baltimore City Councilwoman Odette Ramos feel as though this community featuring descendants of Grandison Hoe no longer deserve it.
So, a survey was done by a certain party on what to do with this access road area that’s marked by a huge water tower, one that was recently refurbished. However, no one surveyed the residents of Hoe’s Heights. Hence, a decision was made to block Hoe’s Heights residents in with the terrible inconvenience of having to essentially circle the block.

I can’t think of a simpler way to put it, but it’s a gotdamn shame that in 2022 that we are still dealing with the ghosts of Baltimore segregation that stem from the notorious 1910 ordinance by Baltimore Mayor J. Barry Mahool, later dubbed “the father of segregation.” This ordinance proposed that Blacks couldn’t move into white neighborhoods. More interestingly, whites couldn’t move into Black neighborhoods. These policies were replicated around the country. And although they are unconstitutional and all that jazz – it hasn’t stopped the tide of institutional racism in America – beginning right here in the same community that authored segregation.
Founders of the suburban garden community wanted to keep Roland Park exclusively white.
But Grandison Hoe had bought the land up there in the 1830s. So, it’s not like white people hadn’t seen Black people before and it’s utterly ridiculous to know that we live in a city with people who are literally stuck in a time warp. Despite Baltimore being 9-to-1 Democrat, this is clearly the right-winged Republican enclave that festers right in front of our faces.
They hide in their disguises, but they are worse than Trump. At least Trump makes his hatred known unabashedly. These are the ugly ass agents of institutional racism who actually have the audacity to think they are better than others.
Really and truly, I feel sorry for them that with all of their money and power, they are just as empty as a homeless man. Even worse, actually.
It is pathetic that over 110 years later, the beautiful residents of Hoe’s Heights still have to fight for their right to be.
Seriously, don’t these people have anything else better to do with their time like yoga or pickleball or maybe some time with their Oculus goggles? But to upset people who are minding their own business and living their lives is simply uncouth. And Odette Ramos, who tried for years to get on the Council turns around and acts this way? Really? (*Note taken)
For more information, go to: https://www.hhaction.org/