Baltimore City school students need access to computers, internet amidst COVID-19. The Teachers’ Democracy Project’s Parent Power Group and Sheila Dixon seek to close the digital divide in Baltimore for public school students.
Sheila Dixon, said, ““I was honored to join Rebecca, Tyrone, and the remarkable parents that make up the Teacher Democracy Projects’ Parent Power group to help tackle the very real issue that faces Baltimore City, and this nation, the digital divide that prevents children from learning during this critical time of distance learning, not having access to a reliable internet connection and/or a digital device to further their education.
I would encourage area business leaders, elected officials and citizens alike to actively look for any digital devices you may have laying around that you aren’t using and donate them to this vitally important effort so that TDP and these other organizations can get them cleaned, wiped clean of your old information and over to children in need of these devices as the city school system starts this new distance learning curriculum. These children deserve to have educational equity despite the financial hardships their families and communities may face, and we cannot allow for one child to start to fall behind during this pandemic.”
WJZ TV 13 Clip from Press Conference:
Watch full video on YouTube