A Message from UMA:
At UMA, we believe that communities need to hold the power to support their own economic mobility. What do communities, businesses, residents, leaders, and other stakeholders need to understand in order to achieve true, deep impact? Where does the power for action live, how can it be accessed, and what must change to reach this new impact?
UMA’s work to champion manufacturing as a strategy for economic mobility is critical at a time as our country confronts challenges that overlap with opportunity: long-simmering manufacturing job shortages, historic economic inequality across place, demands for higher job quality and benefits, the passage of historical federal legislation to support the sector, and ongoing racial justice reckonings within and around businesses and communities.
Please join us to explore the various levers that cities and communities have utilized for inclusive economic development through manufacturing, and how those strategies can be replicated across place.
Stay tuned for additional announcements about speakers, breakout discussion topics, sponsors, and more! Check out our website for additional details like hotels and the agenda!
If you haven’t been to our Gatherings before, check out some photos from Houston below and watch a video!
We look forward to seeing you in Charm City in October.
The UMA Team