Join us for an informative and engaging community meeting at Sharon Baptist Church on North Stricker Street in Baltimore, MD,…
Today’s show features Wayne Frazier and his 20th Annual 2023 Spring Breakfast Meeting/Business Showcase Expo. The event is sold-out. To…
In 1918, Paul Laurence Dunbar High School opened around the corner from its present location as the Paul Laurence Dunbar…
FMI, stay tuned to https://bmorenews.com/, the news before the news where we uncover the truth!
Freedom’s Journal, established the same year that slavery was abolished in New York, was the first African American-owned and operated…
Men’s and Women’s Games – Friday, February 24, 2023 Women’s Games: Johnson C. Smith University 62 v. Elizabeth City State…
(BALTIMORE – February 20, 2023) – BMORENews.com will present the 2nd Annual Black Wall Street HOODFELLAS featuring the Joe Manns…