(NEW YORK – March 17, 2023) – To mark International Women’s Day, Women of Color (WOC) Conference Chairman Tyrone Taborn, who is also publisher and CEO of Career Communications Group, released a conference theme song ahead of the 28th annual science and technology, engineering, and math (STEM) event planned for later this year.

The song celebrates a long line of award-winning women through the decades and the thousands who have participated in one of the largest STEM recognition programs in the United States.

Career Communications Group’s Women of Color magazine has presented the multicultural event since 1995. In addition, the Women of Color Conference serves as the premier forum of choice for recognizing the significant contributions of women in the STEM fields.

In a statement issued on March 8, 2023, Taborn said he hopes the song will become a staple for celebrating women who break barriers daily in male-dominated fields. He said that Women of Color magazine shares hundreds of stories of diverse women breaking stereotypes each year as they make tremendous contributions to STEM.

“Women of color in STEM are paving the way to a brighter future every day,” Taborn added. “They are an inspiration for young and old. We need to hear and see their success stories.”

The Women of Color (WOC) STEM Conference recognizes outstanding women in the STEM fields and provides excellent opportunities for professional development, networking, and recruiting.

The conference is focused on the development of women in STEM careers and ensures that the achievements of these outstanding women are highly visible to all conference participants. The following recognition events take place at this conference: the Technology Recognition Event, the Leaders & Legends Recognition Event, and the Women of Color Awards Ceremony. Click here for more information on the nomination process.

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