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We Keep It Moving w/ Marsha Jews: Author Michelle Petties: LEAVING LARGE

We Keep It Moving w/ Marsha Jews: Author Michelle Petties: LEAVING LARGE

We Keep It Moving w/ Marsha Jews: Author Michelle Petties: LEAVING LARGE

Michelle Petties is an author, speaker, Food Story Finder, experiential eating expert, and recovering food addict. Her debut book, Leaving Large – The Stories of a Food Addict, features personal and powerful stories that chronicle a lifetime of eating for all the wrong reasons. After gaining and losing 700 plus pounds over four decades, Michelle finally discovered the “secret” to ending the battle between her mind, body, and hunger – her Food Stories. By unlocking her own unique Food Stories, Michelle debunked long held misconceptions and misconnections about the purpose of eating. Armed with these insights, she now teaches others how to find their own food truths.

A former public relations vice-president and broadcast sales manager, Michelle has worked for some of the most recognizable names in media, including Disney/ABC and Radio One, negotiating client campaigns for household brands like McDonald’s, T-Mobile and Coca-Cola.

Big city born, small town-bred, suburban living, 63 and nowhere near retirement, still-Southern, soulful sistah who’s serious about Scrabble and her morning walks. A public media veteran, Michelle develops strategic partnerships, sponsorships, and alliances for Baltimore’s NPR news station, WYPR.

Michelle studied at Wiley College in Marshall, Texas, and went on to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Texas at Arlington. Born in Los Angeles and raised in Marshall, she currently resides in Annapolis, Maryland.

Pain – poor-self esteem, depression, anger, frustration, poor self-image, poor self-confidence, shame- cannot be masked with nails, lashes, designer wardrobe, and hair extensions

Problem – Four out of five African American women or overweight or obese.

Why do we give food superpowers?

Promise – Recognize when we are eating for the wrong reasons. Self-awareness. Relearn how to manage food and focus on relationships with ourselves and others.

Plan – Get uncomfortable. Be okay with discomfort. Stop using food for reasons other than nutrition and nourishment. Make goals more important than food or taste.

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