DHCD will be holding two virtual Webinars on the Fixed Pricing Program.  This is the program selling homes or properties for a nominal fee of one dollar to current Baltimore City residents who plan to purchase a city-owned vacant property to rehab as a primary residence. During Phase One of the program, potential homeowners are prioritized and get first purchasing rights over all others for those City-owned vacant properties listed on the BuyIntoBmore website under the Fixed Pricing Program.  

Phase One and other phases of the program will be discussed during these Webinars.  Register to receive a link to join the informational sessions:

  • April 18 – 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm – Register HERE for the virtual link to join this session
  • April 24 – 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm – Register HERE for the virtual link to join this session.
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