(DALLAS – August 17, 2022) – Salam. [‏إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون] “To Allah we belong, and to Him we shall return.”

We regret to inform you that our beloved brother and longtime community member *Thomas Ali Muhammad* has passed away early this morning. May Allah shower him with mercy and forgiveness, and admit him into the highest station in Paradise. Amen.

We will hold his funeral prayer [صلاة الجنازة] at Duncanville Islamic Center tomorrow (Tuesday, August 16) after Dhuhr prayer, which will be at 1:45 pm, in sha Allah. Burial [الدفن] will take place after prayers at the Islamic Gardens in Laureland Cemetery, in sha Allah.
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: [من صلى على جنازة فله قيراط ، ومن انتظرها حتى توضع في اللحد فله قيراطان ، والقيراطان مثل الجبلين العظيمين] “The one who prays the funeral prayer, he earns a qeeraat of reward; and he who stays until the burial is completed, he earns two qeeraat of reward. And the amount of qeeraat is like two great mountains.” (an-Nisaa’i)
This message was sent to you by the Duncanville Islamic Center.
For more information, feel free to call us at 972-709-5042 or visit us online at https://bit.ly/3Np67dp.


BmoreNews.com – Brother Thomas Muhammad was a part of the Black Business Empowerment Commission formed in 2020 in Harlem, New York by Mr. Walter Edwards, Regina Smith of the Harlem Business Alliance, and Zevilla Jackson Preston of J. P. Design Group, Inc.


The Village of Harlem, New York, has been the cultural epicenter of Black America for the last 100+ years. More recently, Black Harlem has been confronting the adverse effects of gentrification and economic stagnation of the majority of its Black-owned businesses. This harsh economic reality led to the formation of WEG, a collective of Harlem-based entrepreneurs in 2018. WEG gave birth to the Black Business Empowerment Committee (BBE), a collective of Black community organizations, churches, and business owners that have come together to put forth a plan for Black Business Empowerment in NYS and NYC. Reaching out to Black communities across the nation gave birth to the ‘BBE Commission’ (BBEC).

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