(ANNAPOLIS – August 25, 2023) – The 60th Anniversary of the March on Washington Maryland Commemoration, organized by the Caucus of African American Leaders (CAAL), Maryland Commission on African American History and Culture (MCAAHC), Banneker-Douglass Museum, and United Black Clergy have planned a two-day event in Annapolis to include a march reenactment, youth program, and a commemorative civil rights mural at Banneker-Douglass Museum led by artist Nikki Brooks.

The dynamic Morgan State Marching Band will lead the march reenactment at 10:00 a.m. Special guest speakers on the program at noon include Dr. David Wilson, President of Morgan State University, Willie Flowers, President of the NAACP Maryland State Conference, Delegate Shaneka Henson, and Dr. Edwin T. Johnson, Chair of MCAAHC.

Visit www.aacaal.org/mow60thanniversary for more information about the Youth Program and Sunday Worship Service!

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