(BALTIMORE – December 21, 2024) – To the owners of Fox 45 in Baltimore, I implore you to leave Marilyn Mosby’s name out of your mouths. She is our hero. She charged some cops who work for a historically racist and violently abusive police force that has wreaked havoc on Black people for generations. No, she probably shouldn’t have challenged Isabel Cummings to investigate her. At the same time, as noted by Dr. Tyrone Powers, the most she should have received is a fine. Nobody cares where she works. She lost her job and has moved on with her life. Just leave her alone.

Fox has made it their lifelong mission to not only demonize her, but also Mayor Brandon Scott, and seemingly any Black politician with a brain. And Fox seemingly gets some of the most radical Black voices to co-sign their disdain. Truth be told, it is sickening.
Take for instance their support of term limits. Given how long it took Blacks in Baltimore to gain political power, did we really need term limits? I mean, seriously, don’t we have bigger fish to fry? Still, they put up red, black, and green signs calling for term limits in the Black community as if that was a priority for us. It was not. Neither was a reduction of the City Council. If the people who run Fox actually lived in Baltimore City and had to depend on a City Councilperson for constituent services, then they would know that it is a full-time job. If they want to cover council size, go look at the Baltimore County Council which is decades behind. They should have 11 councilmembers like Montgomery and Prince George’s counties.

Marilyn Mosby is a national icon because she did not flinch in the face of racial vitriol that is at the core of many conservatives’ DNA. Instead, she said, “I was built for this!” For the people she has fought for, this means the world! For too long, Baltimore – the bastion of American housing segregation better known as redlining – has a history steeped in racial discrimination. And this includes Black folks’ interaction with local cops. It is old, and it is tiring.

For generations, we have seen dirty cops in our communities planting drugs on people. We have seen them take people’s money. We have seen them do a plethora of crimes. But when it comes time for accountability, you were silent.

No, I did not think the Black cops charged in the death of Freddie Gray had anything to do with his death and I still don’t. In fact, the entire world watched as he was assaulted from behind by white cops to the point that he couldn’t even walk. Further, he should have never been put in the paddy wagon. He should have been put in an ambulance – like the one that never made it to the scene.
So, for the record, we love Marilyn Mosby. And I, for one, do not care where she works. She has taken a position with a nonprofit. Frankly, I am happy for her. Former Baltimore Police Commissioner Ed Norris – I actually like him – went to prison and returned to get a radio show. So, what’s wrong with Mosby getting a 9-to-5. Some of Fox’s actions are just downright despicable. Let the woman work and tend to her family. Haven’t you dragged her name in the mud long enough?

Fox has no class. They have a chip on their shoulder. They talk mad trash about the Black community, including the squeegee kids. By the way, Mayor Scott has done what no mayor has done. You rarely even see the youngsters out there on the corners any more. Who we do see – including in the Black community, are white panhandlers who too frequently come up to people’s vehicles with their hands out. Not once has Fox given this story any attention. Just like Fox seemingly never covers the battalion of white addicts we see in our alleys and on our streets – higher than a Georgia pine, shooting dope in public, and selling stolen goods.

It seems as if Fox only covers the Black den of iniquity. It seems as if Fox has a racial penchant that just needs to be scratched on a daily basis. And we are sick of it.

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