By Doni Glover, Publisher
I Am Black Wall Street
Unapologetically Black: Doni Glover Autobiography
Thursdays at Midnight on WEAA 88.9 FM

(BALTIMORE – June 29, 2022) – I appreciate U.S. Rep. Mary Miller for her comments about protecting “White life”. I really don’t have a problem with her honesty. Was it tacky? Absolutely, but it was truthful. I can deal with someone like Miller a lot better than I can with a dishonest person who lies about who they are.

Sidebar: One thing I still can’t understand, however, is the Black men standing behind her in the shot; they were seemingly excited about her comments.

Nonetheless, Miller said what is at the core of the abortion issue, in my honest opinion: It’s about saving white babies because America is browning by the minute and soon, whites will be the minority. So, there is a segment of the American population that, from what it looks like, is driven by fear of this inevitable reality.

This is why gun rights advocates exist: for fear of retaliation for all the wrong done in the name of institutional racism. Folks, despite their perspective, still know that karma is real and I figure they are afraid of living in a world without white privilege.

Imagine that! Could there actually be a country that lives up to its Constitution or is that just some bullshit that sounds good? You know, like “all men are created equal”? Like “equal protection”? Could there actually exist a nation that lives up to its creed, like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. so articulately described? Could there be an America without housing segregation, without apartheid, without redlining, without racial profiling, without bias, without that smug look?

My thought: If white Americans are that afraid of retaliation by non-whites, then – and this is just a thought – why not stop treating people so poorly based on their race – beginning with Black people? Duh! Nobody is owed a greater debt by America more than Black folks, many of whom have Indigenous roots. Our ancestors’ free labor catapulted this country into the superpower it has become.

Reparations, to say the least, should be a no-brainer! I mean, geesh!

The unfortunate and dangerous part of this Trump-driven simmering of racial tension blended with a triple dose of ignorance is that scared people cause a lot of unnecessary friction when nothing is even wrong.

Yet, America, still basking in the mud of its original sin, is so addicted to racism it doesn’t even see the brick wall we, as a nation, are headed to with increasing speed. And like an addict, if the USA never addresses this primary problem, it will only fester.

I do not want to see a race war. And I hope you don’t either.

Yet, former US President Donald John Trump is intent on leading a second revolution in this country in broad daylight. From my perspective, his outright abusive insistence on white privilege is leading this otherwise beautiful nation into a downward spiral down a very ugly hole.

Unless this madman is checked, we could all be in a world of trouble. That’s my concern.

“January 6” was like watching Baltimore’s “Freddie Gray Unrest” but on a national level. It was just horrible. To see people breaking into the US Capitol Building as Capitol Police Officers were blasted with such fury, violence, and vitriol was unnerving.

The defiance witnessed on televisions across the world sent a telling message, too. When the world sees a superpower bedeviled by civil unrest – regardless of the reason, it shows weakness. So, in the end, we all lose.

PS from life after destruction:
I hope your dumb ass is finally happy
(But I know you’re not!)


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