2.9.23 The Black Business Round Table: L’Objet Wines Donny Glover, Chef Michauxnee Olier The Busy Wife #blackfarmlandownersmatter #lobjetwines #thebusywife2017 #Valentines2023 #Valentines
++++ Pre-Valentines Day SHOW!!! +++

WELCOME New and Returning listeners to today’s episode of “The Black Business Roundtable!” I am your host Doug Blacksher broadcasting to you LIVE from the city of Diversity Oakland California. WE ARE CELEBRATING with a PRE-VALENTINES SPECIAL on location LIVE at the “Coco Noir Wine Shop & Bar” Thank you to Alicia Kidd CEO & Founder. Today returning guest, Vintner Danny Glover of L’Objet Wines of Sonoma California, one of the few Black owned wine makers in the United States. Mr. Glover will pair his wine with our next guest Chef Michauxnée Olier – AKA, “The Busy Wife” Valentines Menu! Instagram: @coconoirwineshop #coconoirwineshop @lobjetwines #lobjetwines @thebusywife2017 #thebusywife2017

A warm Thank YOU as always to Mr. Doni Glover of for the honor of “The Black Business Round Table” being a part of your growing Network dedicated to bringing the real unfiltered news, before the News! #BlackUSA.news #DoniGlover

February 9, 2023 per the National Day Calendar www.nationaldaycalendar.com today is: “National Giving Hearts Day” the 2nd Thursday in February!

Current Events: The Black Colorado Ranchers Threatened with Lynching in El Paso County Colorado we have been reporting on since 1.19.23 #elpasocountycolorado #NAACP
This week on Monday Mr. Courtney W. Mallery was ARRESTED and Mrs. Mallery did a LIVE video as it was happening, he was bonded out and released the following day and callers far and wide including our team was calling the Jail checking on his welfare throughout the night. The good news is Everyone is HELPING TREMENDOUSLY as of 1/19/23 the GoFundMe went from $3K initially to last check of $90,684 w/2.3k donors and the Petition went from 810 signatures to 4818! We have started an INSTAGRAM Post/Reel we are calling Operation: WHACK-A-MOLE Colorado #whackamolecolorado
( #GovOfCO #coprosecutors #4thjudicialda #epccolorado #whackamolecolorado #SaveFreedomAcresRanch ) and ADD HASHTAGS for YOUR STATES OFFICIAL Governor, Attorney General, local MAYOR and News Station!

This week’s BBRT Thumbs UP and Thumbs DOWN goes too: Who made “THE BBRT NAUGHTY LIST 2023” this week? STAY TUNED TO FIND OUT!
Don’t receive the THUMBS DOWN in #TheTown do BETTER! You are WELCOME to come and talk with us about it and make it RIGHT! #BBRTNAUGHTYLIST #BBRTNAUGHTYLIST2023

Show Highlights:
We celebrate Valentine’s DAY EARLY on location at the “Coco Noir Wine Shop & Bar” with a virtual visit with Danny Glover of L’Objet Wines and Scrumptious Recipes made LIVE with Chef Michauxnee – The Busy Wife 2017!

My CO-Host had a speaking engagement so “Therapeutic Thursday” Check-in w/Dr. Ashley Coleman – PsyD, RETURNS NEXT WEEK!
-Danny Glover – WINEMAKER, PROPRIETOR of L’Objet wines Instagram: @lobjetwines #lobjetwines Phone: 707-235-3153
– Chef Michauxnée Olier – Chef Michauxnée sits on the Board of Sankofa Garden, Oakland and collaborates with non-profit organizations such as MISSSEY (Motivating, Inspiring, Supporting & Serving Sexually Exploited Youth) Youth UpRising, B.O.S.S. Oakland (Building Opportunities for Self Sufficiency) to create safe spaces for growth and education for people want and need it most. IG:@thebusywife2017 #thebusywife2017

National Political Highlights: The Presidential State of the Union Address was last night. I hope you watched it!

The News of the Day: February 9, 1960: Home of Carlotta Walls, of the Little Rock Nine, Bombed. Brought to you courtesy of Equal Justice Initiative

Announcements: Who are you following on Instagram? #eji #barackobama4govca #urbancowgirlranch #kinfolxcoffee #urbancowgirl510 #nileswimclub #millennialdemocrats #DannyGlover #TheMaskedLawStudent #thetowntogether #thetown #TheBlackBusinessRoundTableBlacksher🎙 #TheBlackBusinessRoundTableDrAshley🎙

Back-story on Carlton ( ) Sharing his HASHTAG #StandWithCarltonOfRaleighNC2022
#DrivingWhileBlackMichaelThrashTaylorCountyTX attached podcast link from 10.14.21 listed once again in today’s podcast description ( ) TRIAL DATE is FEBRUARY 27, 2023

We return next week 2.16.23 w/ Allyssa Victory Esq, #victoryforoakland, Barack Obama Shaw #BarackObama4govofca and more… Thank you Audience for tuning in and Remember together we can Listen, Learn and SHARE because I know you care!

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