6.9.22 The Black Business Round Table: LaTanya Hawkins Construction Resource Mgmt.

WELCOME listeners to today’s episode of the “Black Business Roundtable!” I am your host Doug Blacksher broadcasting to you LIVE from the city of Diversity Oakland California! We are re-structuring our show format to accommodate our GUEST time constraints today and the January 6th Committee National TV programming.

What a week of News events let’s start with National News. I am personally applauding TUESDAY’s passionate speech by Matthew McConaughey. Now if McConaughey or Texas LAWYERS could also address the STORY brought to my attention by a few different sharp eyed Instagram users. The story that aired and is circulating regarding the Uvalde MOM that rescued her kids DURING the shooting. Afterwards she was allegedly contacted afterwards and threatened with enforcement of a probation violation if she continued sharing her story? This is absolutely APPALLING! Attorney CRUMP we need you #attorneycrump #real_sharpton #texasnaacpyc #txst_naacp #naacp #texasdemocrats

Mitch McConnell raised the alarm WEDNESDAY due to an “alleged” THREAT of Harm whereas the CHILDREN of UVALDE faced a true ACTIVE threat and were slaughtered and Mitch was only giving his usual CHAPPED lip service! I agree with friend of the show @Millennial.Democrats #MillennialDemocrats on Instagram, “We urge the @housedemocrats (#housedemocrats) do what House Republicans do. Vote No! Brett can hire his own personal security like MTG (Marjory T. Greene) does, we aren’t footing his bills for armed personnel.” Visit his Instagram to READ the full post made Wednesday 6/8/22.

TONIGHT is also the January 6th Hearing to share with the American People information first hand from the Committee! All the major networks are carrying this except 1 (one) and I will let you figure that out on your own!

I follow a friend of the show on Instagram that is a working adult and family man going through law school and he delivers his experience from a BLACK Man’s Perspective! You can find him on Instagram @TheMaskedLawStudent (#TheMaskedLawStudent or on his YouTube channel). In regards to GUN CONTROL he brought up the Mulford Act of CALIFORNIA. #MulfordAct #BlackPanthers

“Political Corner” which reflects WHO is & IS NOT locally or nationally honoring their commitment to work FOR their constituents! Who makes the list THIS WEEK? Developers and #libbyschaff perhaps…

Tonight we will discuss with our guest today Minority Contracts and Federal Dollars in Oakland. How to find Minority CONTRACTORS in the various trades which are Licensed and Bonded capable of working on Multimillion Dollar Projects here in the Bay Area but primarily the City of Oakland.

Please share the HASHTAG for Carlton which is #StandWithCarltonOfRaleighNC2022 we will keep you updated on this case!

– Dr. Ashley Coleman- PsyD, Newly TENURED & Immediate past Dept. Chair/Assistant Professor of Psychology at University of the West.
– LaTanya Hawkins Program Executive of Construction Resource Center website: or Instagram @constructionresourcecenter
-Janani Ramachandran, ESQ., Friend of the show and running for DISTRICT 4 in Oakland CA! NEW see: & NEW Instagram @Janani4Oakland She Is having a JUNE 30th BIRTHDAY BASH FUNDRAISER so SAVE THE DATE and DONATE!

National Political Highlights:
– Marcus Flowers is the Democratic Nominee! #sendcongressflowers #PerjuryTaylorGreene Instagram: @Marcus4Georgia or #ONEGEORGIA
-Senator Reverend Raphael Warnock is the Democratic Nominee! Instagram: @raphaelwarnock or
-Stacey Abrams is the Democratic Nominee!
Instagram: @StaceyAbrams or
-Val Demings –a DEMOCRAT is running for the 2022 Florida Senate TEXT the word JOIN to 77076! Instagram: @valdemings or

The News of the Day:
On this day June 9, 1963: Fannie Lou Hamer Arrested and Beaten in Winona, Mississippi. Courtesy of EJI (Equal Justice Initiative) Visit https:

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Previous Guest and Friend of the show Dr. Phillip Harris our Musical Expert has just released his new EP ”In my Philz” with 4 new songs. The titles are “I’m Tired”, “You Ain’t It”, “Let’s Talk” and “Just Like That”

HASHTAG #STOPschoolBullyingCRANECountyTX2022
HASHTAG #DrivingWhileBlackMichaelThrashTaylorCountyTX attach our podcast link from 10.14.21 listed once again in today’s podcast description ( ) for Michael Thrash’s story.

This is Doug Blacksher of the Black Business Roundtable, God Bless and Good Night!

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