11.3.22 The Black Business Round Table: Larry Lewis, Barack D. Obama, Veterans Day!

WELCOME listeners to today’s episode of the “Black Business Roundtable” I am FIRED UP and READY TO get this show On the ROAD! I am your host Doug Blacksher broadcasting to you LIVE from the city of Diversity, Oakland California! I am excited as always to share this podcast platform with, Dr. Ashley Coleman (PsyD) Doctor of Psychology and appreciate how she always keeps this show grounded! As always Thank you Doni Glover of www.BlackUSA.NEWS for the honor of “The Black Business Round Table” being a part of your growing Network dedicated to bringing the real unfiltered news, BEFORE THE NEWS!

www.nationaldaycalendar.com it is #MenMakeDinnerDay #AnimalShelterAppreciationWeek #MilitaryFamilyMonth

This week’s BBRT Thumbs UP goes too:
-Two men (Muhammad Aziz age 84 and Khalil Islam deceased in 2009) spent DECADES behind bars for the killing of Malcom X were exonerated in 2021 and will receive from the City of New York over $36 MILLION+ to be dispersed evenly between both parties and/or their estate.
-This week’s BBRT Thumbs Down goes too: TUNE IN TO FIND OUT!

Todays SHOW Highlights:
Today we are speaking with one of the original co-host of “The Black Business Round Table” Larry Lewis as he educates on a 2 part series starting today. Part 1 of the series, focuses today on “Why Join the Military” and Part 2 next week focuses on “The Benefits of joining the Military” and navigating the benefits. Today we also have Barack D. Obama Shaw running for Mayor of Alameda, California!

Co-Host and Show Guest Today Include:
-Weekly Check-in w/Dr. Ashley Coleman – PsyD, Tenured & Immediate past Dept. Chair/Assistant Professor of Psychology at the university of the West.
-Barack D. Obama Shaw for Mayor of Alameda Instagram @barackDenzel #BarackDenzel #BarackObama4Mayor or Facebook: Barack Denzel (Barack D. Obama Shaw).
-Larry Lewis, Ret. Military Veteran of 20 years & Heart Transplant Recipient and previous BBRT Co-Host!

Political Highlights
Insta: @Marcus4Georgia or www.MarcusForGeorgia.com #sendcongressflowers
Insta: @raphaelwarnock or www.WarnockForGeorgia.com #Warnockforsenate
Insta: @StaceyAbrams or www.StaceyAbrams.com #staceyabrams
Insta: @valdemings or www.valdemings.com #valdemings

News of the Day
On this day November 3, 1874: White Mob Wages Deadly Violence Against Black Community Seeking to Vote. Courtesy of EJI (Equal Justice Initiative) Visit

Carlton ( ) HASHTAG #StandWithCarltonOfRaleighNC2022
HASHTAG #DrivingWhileBlackMichaelThrashTaylorCountyTX
( ) for Michael Thrash’s story.

-To join our “BBRT” ADVERTISING family or to be a possible GUEST on the show reach us via our email: bbrt2021@hotmail.com INCLUDE Your COMPANY NAME, ADDRESS, WEBSITE, Company Phone Number & Social Media Page INFO to our email address: bbrt2021@hot
mail.com for VETTING consideration.

Remember together we can Listen, Learn and SHARE because I know you care! This is Doug Blacksher and Dr. Ashley of the Black Business Roundtable, God Bless and Good Night!

#takeoff #nancypelosi #Blackface #walmartblackface
www.FiftySevenNorth.com/events Instagram: @thebusywife2017 #thebusywife2017 @fiftysevenNorth #fiftySevenNorth
#pamelapricecares #shengforoakland #victoryforoakland #janani4oakland @millennial.democrats #millennialdemocrats

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