6.16.22 WELCOME listeners to today’s episode of the “Black Business Roundtable!” I am your host Doug Blacksher broadcasting to you LIVE from the city of Diversity Oakland California! First of all I am WATCHING the January 6th hearings and keep having to REEEEEEEFILLLLLLL my Popcorn BOWL, EXTRA BUTTER TOO!! Also Happy UPCOMING Father’s Day this coming Sunday along with Juneteenth! Today we are CELEBRATING OUR DELAYED 1 year “Happy Podcast Anniversary!”

Todays Show highlights:
Tonight we will THANK and Remanence about Past guests, topics and events throughout our Podcast year. What a RIDE it has been so stop on by to see what we have in store for our audience today!

Now for the National Political Highlights:
No matter WHERE you live – Give the GIFT of paying it forward and REGISTER to VOTE and help your Community this year and into the future. Congratulations to Georgia: Marcus Flowers, Sen. Raphael Warnock, Stacey Abrams and also Val Demings of Florida!

The News of the Day
On this day June 16, 1944: Fourteen-Year-Old George Stinney Executed in South Carolina. Courtesy of EJI (Equal Justice Initiative) Visit

Janani Ramachandran, ESQ., Friend of the show and running for DISTRICT 4 in Oakland CA! NEW see: & NEW Instagram @Janani4Oakland She Is celebrating her Birthday JUNE 30th so if you want contribute to her grassroots campaign during her Birthday Month check out her website! Happy Early Birthday Janani.

We have NEW online friends of the show: On Instagram @millennial.democrats #millennialdemocrats who CALLS out Politics and Politicians, later this summer will join us on the BBRT! Our favorite law school student delivers his experience from a BLACK Man’s Perspective on Instagram: @TheMaskedLawStudent (#TheMaskedLawStudent or on his YouTube channel). Check him out as he is how we learned about the Milford Act of CA!

THANK YOU audience for your Thoughts, Prayers, Messages and DONATIONS for Carlton! Hashtag #StandWithCarltonOfRaleighNC2022

WE continue to ask for your SOCIAL MEDIA SUPPORT and share these hashtags: #STOPschoolBullyingCRANECountyTX2022 #DrivingWhileBlackMichaelThrashTaylorCountyTX attach our podcast link from 10.14.21 listed once again in today’s podcast description ( ) for Michael Thrash’s story!

WE ARE TAKING NEXT WEEK OFF JUNE 23 and back June 30th! Thank you Audience for tuning in and Remember together we can Listen, Learn and SHARE because I know you care!

Marcus Flowers – Instagram: @Marcus4Georgia or / Senator Reverend Raphael Warnock – Instagram: @raphaelwarnock or

Stacey Abrams – #OneGeorgia Instagram: @StaceyAbrams or via / Val Demings – Learn more on Instagram: @valdemings or

Watch full video on YouTube

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