1.12.23 The Black Business Round Table: Barack Obama Shaw & Kevin Jenkins

-WELCOME New listeners and Returning listeners to today’s episode of “The Black Business Roundtable!” I am your host Doug Blacksher broadcasting to you LIVE from the city of Diversity that is Oakland California. We are EXCITED to have visiting with us TODAY the Newly SEATED Council Member – Kevin Jenkins of Oakland’s District 6 and also Barack Obama Shaw, whom announced exclusively on OUR show late last year that he was running for Governor of CA in 2026!

-A Heartfelt Thank YOU to Mr. Doni Glover of for the honor of “The Black Business Round Table” being a part of your growing Network dedicated to bringing the real unfiltered news, before the News! #BlackUSA.news #DoniGlover

-Today January 12, 2023 as Noted via the National Day Calendar www.nationaldaycalendar.com today is: “National Pharmacist Day” #NationalPharmacistDay

-Some Current Events in the news today:
CA Storms, Damar Hamlin, Martin Luther King Jr. – Day of Service, Kobe Bryant. and Kinfolx Coffee — #CAStorms2023 #DamarHamlin #MartinLutherKingJr #kobebryant #kinfolxcoffee

-This week’s BBRT Thumbs UP and Thumbs Down goes too…Who made “THE BBRT NAUGHTY LIST 2023” this week? TUNE IN TO FIND OUT!
Don’t receive the THUMBS DOWN in #TheTown do BETTER! You are WELCOME to come and talk with us about it and make it RIGHT! #BBRTNAUGHTYLIST #BBRTNAUGHTYLIST2023

Todays SHOW Highlights:
Thoughts regarding Oakland California Political Inauguration Ceremony. We catch up w/Barack Obama Shaw running for Governor of CA 2026. We discuss the future of Oakland with New Council Member Kevin Jenkins sworn in this week representing District 6!

My Co-Host & Show Guest Today Include:
-“Therapeutic Thursday” Check-in w/Dr. Ashley Coleman – PsyD, Tenured & Immediate past Dept. Chair/Assistant Professor of Psychology at the university of the West. NEW: 988 is the “Suicide and Crisis Lifeline” and available 24/7 (Text, Chat) Women in our audience looking for a Therapist: www.therapyforblackgirls.com & Men in our audience looking for a Therapist: www.therapyforblackmen.org
– Kevin Jenkins – Currently, he serves as the Trustee on the Peralta Community College Board, representing East Oakland. New EMAIL: District6@oaklandca.gov Website:
-Barack D. Obama Shaw – See him on Instagram @barackDenzel #BarackDenzel or Facebook: Barack Denzel (Barack D. Obama Shaw). #BarackObama4govca

National Political Highlights:
House Minority Leader – Hakeem Jeffries & the “ALPHABET” speech!
House Majority Leader – Kevin McCarthy chosen after a series of votes.

The News of the Day:
January 12, 1931: Black Man Burned Alive by White Mob in Maryville, Missouri; Black Residents Flee. Courtesy of EJI (Equal Justice Initiative) Visit – for more information and to read the full story of this day in our Black and Brown History

Keeping Tabs on Justice:
-Please listen to the back-story on Carlton ( ) Share his HASHTAG #StandWithCarltonOfRaleighNC2022
-HASHTAG #DrivingWhileBlackMichaelThrashTaylorCountyTX attached is our podcast link from 10.14.21 listed once again in today’s podcast description ( ) for Michael Thrash’s story. TRIAL DATE is FEBRUARY 27, 2023. Highlight on social media, TAG us too #TheBlackBusinessRoundTableBlacksher🎙 & #TheBlackBusinessRoundTableDrAshley🎙

-If YOU want to be in the KNOW and reach our audience then join our “BBRT” ADVERTISING family or to be a possible GUEST on the show reach us via our email: bbrt2021@hotmail.com INCLUDE Your COMPANY NAME, ADDRESS, WEBSITE, Company Phone Number & Social Media Page INFO to our email address: bbrt2021@hotmail.com for VETTING consideration.

We return Thursday January 19th with Emeryville California Council Member Kalimah Priforce! We look forward to seeing you EVERY THURSDAY at 4PM (Pacific Time) on the BlackUSA.NEWS network on YOUTUBE and FACEBOOK! Thank you Audience for tuning in and Remember together we can Listen, Learn and SHARE because I know you care!

#eji #barackobama4govca #urbancowgirlranch #kinfolxcoffee #urbancowgirl510 #ThePearmanRanch #nileswimclub #thebusywife2017 #fiftysevennorth #slapbayarea #lobjetwines #aasegoakland #gardenslakemerritt #blackcowboymuseum #millennialdemocrats #TheMaskedLawStudent #thetowntogether #thetown #elihuharris
#janani4oakland #shengforoakland #kevinJenkins510 #victoryforoakland #newyearnewleaders

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