12.15.22 The Black Business Round Table: Anthony Patterson Sr. Pres. Nile Swim Club and Board Member Karen Hall Eskridge.

WELCOME listeners to today’s episode of “The Black Business Roundtable!” I am your host Doug Blacksher broadcasting to you LIVE from the city of Diversity, Oakland California. We are visiting this week with the Nile Swim Club of PA – the First African American owned Swim Club in the United States. Thank you to last weeks guests: Barack D. Obama Shaw, Equestrians of color Brianna Noble of the “Urban Cowgirl Ranch” aka “The Black Cowgirl” from the #GeorgeFloydProtest & Xfinity Commercials & Andrew Pearman of “THE PEARMAN RANCH” in North Carolina!

Thank you Doni Glover of for the honor of “The Black Business Round Table” being a part of your growing Network dedicated to bringing the real unfiltered news, before the News! #BlackUSA.news #DoniGlover

December 15, 2022 – www.nationaldaycalendar.com today is #Nationalcupcakeday and #SpiritualLiteracyMonth

Some Current Events in the news today:
-Loss of a DJ and Netflix premier.

-This week’s BBRT Thumbs UP goes too:
-This week’s BBRT Thumbs Down goes too: Who made “THE BBRT NAUGHTY LIST 2022” this week? #BBRTNAUGHTYLIST2022 TUNE IN!

SHOW Highlights:
First time guest the Nile Swim Club located in Yeadon, Pennsylvania! The Historic Nile Swim Club – THE first PRIVATE SWIM CLUB in the United States that was “owned & operated” by African Americans.

My Co-Host and Show Guest Today Include:
-Our Weekly Check-in w/Dr. Ashley Coleman – PsyD, Tenured & Immediate past Dept. Chair/Assistant Professor of Psychology at the university of the West.
-Karen Hall Eskridge –Board Member of the Historic Nile Swim Club in Yeadon Pennsylvania.
– Anthony Patterson Sr., President of the Historic Nile Swim Club in Yeadon Pennsylvania. #nileswimclub Phone – 610-623-1535 * Address – 513 S. Union Avenue. Yeadon, PA 19050 * Email: swimthenile60@gmail.com #STRIVINGTOTHRIVING #Kappaalphapsi #nupes
Barack D. Obama Shaw- Friend of the Show is coming back to share an announcement! #Barackobama4govca #BarackDObamaShaw #BarackObamaShaw

Additional Links provided by Nile Swim Club:

National Political Highlights: – Well Senator Warnock was a resounding YES for Georgia giving Dems 51-49 majority! As another Senator…Stay Tuned!

News of the Day
December 15, 1897: White Mob of Hundreds Lynches Tom Waller in Mississippi. Courtesy of EJI (Equal Justice Initiative) Visit

-To join our “BBRT” ADVERTISING family or to be a possible GUEST on the show reach us via our email: bbrt2021@hotmail.com INCLUDE Your COMPANY NAME, ADDRESS, WEBSITE, Company Phone Number & Social Media Page INFO to our email address: bbrt2021@hot
mail.com for VETTING consideration.

Friends of the show:
Instagram @millennial.democrats #millennialdemocrats
Instagram: @TheMaskedLawStudent (#TheMaskedLawStudent or on his YouTube channel).

Please listen to the back-story on Carlton
( ) THANK YOU audience for your Thoughts, Prayers, Messages and DONATIONS for Carlton! HASHTAG #StandWithCarltonOfRaleighNC2022
HASHTAG #DrivingWhileBlackMichaelThrashTaylorCountyTX attach our podcast link from 10.14.21 listed here( ) for Michael Thrash’s story.

We return Thursday December 22, 2022 w/Chef Michauxnée of “The Busy Wife” for a 1 hour Holiday Special!

#UrbanCowgirlRanch #Urbancowgirl510 #ThePearmanRanch #BarackObama4govca #xfinitycommercial

#HarryandMeghan #DukeandDuchessofSussex #netflix
#drowning #TheBlackBusinessRoundTableBlacksher🎙 & #TheBlackBusinessRoundTableDrAshley🎙

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