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SHOP AND DINE @EMAGE Center, 2132 W. North Avenue

SHOP AND DINE @EMAGE Center, 2132 W. North Avenue



E.M.A.G.E. Center is an acronym for Entrepreneurs Making And Growing Enterprises. It is a 10,000 square ft economic development center in the heart of West Baltimore on historic North Avenue.

The headquarters for all of our programs and stores.

The EMAGE Center is home to Citywide Youth Development, Frozen Desert Sorbet & Cafe, Bmore Clothing Manufacturing Center, Be Original Kidz, and Pamper Yourself Boutique. 

Citywide Youth Development uses manufacturing and entrepreneurship to elevate a new economic framework for youth and young adults in Baltimore that builds upon traditional approaches and incorporates key strategies that result in doing business in a more intentional and ultimately more effective way.

In order to further our mission to providing solutions for crime & poverty, Citywide has established the EMAGE Center. The acronym stands for Entrepreneurs Making And Growing Enterprises!

The idea of “Community Wealth Building – is a place-based, systems approach to community and economic development that ensures local and equitable ownership and control of wealth; develops mutually reinforcing economic enterprises; invests in assets that are anchored locally; and engages the procurement power of institutional partners.”

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