By Doni Glover

(BALTIMORE – October 13, 2022) – We have not had a community in some time. The pandemic has certainly presented a number of challenges. However, we will be convening this evening at the historic Sharon Baptist Church, located at 1375 N. Stricker Street in our beloved Sandtown Community.

Sandtown is a historic West Baltimore community with a rich history and a long track record of contributions and accomplishments that are a great source of pride for the Black community and the city overall. Despite a lot of negative press about Baltimore, Sandtown residents are just as important as ever to the well-being of this city. We cannot allow the media to define us. We define ourselves.

And that is why we are so grateful to the Sharon Baptist Church Family for affording us the opportunity to meet there. Although we have been tried repeatedly, we know where to go for replenishment!

There are a number of items that we will address, including updates on proposed changes in the community. These items ultimately affect those of us who live and work here. Thus, we cannot afford to be ill-informed.

Featured presenters include Linda Lomax from Baltimore City Councilman John Bullock’s office and Ashley Esposito, a community activist who is also running for School Board in the Nov. 8th General Election.

This meeting is one you don’t want to miss.

FMI, call or text 443-858-2684.

Sandtown-Winchester Map
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