AMONG THE FIRST AMERICANS: From the San Bushmen of Namibia (who have the oldest DNA on the planet) to Luzia, the nearly 12,000 year old skeletal remains of a black woman found in a cave in Brazil, blacks – Negroes – Africans – Moors – Ethiopians – People of the darker hue – Indigenous peoples (or whatever the term) … are not at all new to the Americas.

Hell, Brazil is only 1,500 miles from Africa. Further, there are currents that flow easily between Africa and South America & Central America. Black Mexicans, Mayans in the Royal Courts, Califians, the 400 or so “mound” pyramids across North America … are all evidence of blacks in the Americas thousands of years before Columbus was even thought of. Ladies and gentlemen, the truth that was hidden is now highly visible for the world to see. The days of revisionist history are over. The new awakening is in full-effect. Welcome to the 21st century where the truth shall set you free! – Doni Glover,

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