Pres. Donald John Trump

By Dante D. King, MS, M.Ed, CHRM

(SAN FRANCISCO – October 9, 2023) – The main reason, I believe, that the majority of the White race (i.e., White people) continue to remain in support of Donald Trump is because of the core tenets of their organization/community. Some of these core tenets include, and are not limited to, extreme White narcissism and White sovereignty and a lack of accountability (i.e., never or almost having to admit wrongdoing or be accountable for anything to anyone, etc.).

White sovereignty in America, means that White people have created the standards by which they, and everyone else, abide. White people are also exempted from these standards in most cases. In essence, they are able to break the rules with impunity, as their transgressions are absolved across the board, through American institutions. For example, I have White friends who have expressed to me that they have been pulled over for drunk driving and officers gave them warnings and let them go. Some have even shared that they were found in possession of marijuana and/or cocaine, and they were given warnings, after the officers took the drugs and threw them away.

For most of this country’s history, White women and men as a collective, stood idly by, supported, facilitated, and participated in the rapes of young Black women and girls, Black men and boys. Prostituting Black women as ‘wenches,’ and Black men and boys as ‘bucks,’ meant that White America could produce a massive free labor force to enrich themselves by any means necessary. American institutions of rape and pedophilia, both anal and vaginal, were economically beneficial for the White community and the American imperialist empire.

So, of course, most of the White community is in favor of Donald Trump, a narcissistic, psychopathic, sociopathic, civilly convicted rapist. White solidarity and sovereignty will never be forsaken, and in this experiment called America, White men, boys, girls, and women, will almost always never be held accountable or accept responsibility for their wrongdoings. Their strategy is to deny or deflect. Being accountable and accepting responsibility for heinous acts is contrarian to who they are and what they represent as an organization.

Everything that we are witnessing in this moment, with attacks from the White community on education, DEIA, politics, affirmative action, and more, is on brand for the values and goals of the majority of White people in this country. We should not be shocked by the actions of psychopathic sociopaths, rather, we should observe the baseness of who they are and revel in it as a sort of entertainment, similar to the ways in which we view horror films. The only difference is that we should be learning from and recording the treachery of the current moment, so that we can teach and show Black children about what lies ahead for them. Black children will experience the fallout of all that is happening in this current moment, just like newly ‘freed’ former enslaved Black people and their children experienced all of the dramatic changes that took flight from the Supreme Court taking away their rights in a series of rulings that they decided between 1883 and 1926 (roughly eight decisions, if not more).

I discuss this and so much more in my book, #The400YearHolocaust #WhiteAmericasLegalPsychopathicAndSociopathicBlackGenocide #TheRevoltAgainstCriticalRaceTheory

Go to www.danteking.com to get more information about my book, upcoming courses, and events.   

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