(BALTIMORE – February 13, 2023) – I am Moore for Baltimore.

Hello! My name is Michael Moore unlike most candidates that step up for this platform, who are usually overwhelmed with joy to make such an announcement; I am not. I am hardened, disgusted, sad, and almost at a downright loss for words.

Throughout the pandemic and The 2020 Presidential Election Cycle; I’ve seen that some Democrats blame the Trump Administration. However, those same Democrats showed me that they were the real con artists, and that they are who they made Trump out to be.

However, I’m not a typical politician– and if I was, I would use the old-school 80/20 method, because I enjoy this work. I have put on many campaigns throughout the city of Baltimore, even winning campaigns on the state level, and pulling off the transfer of entire campaign committees for the benefit of other electoral winners.

From this all, I know corruption has spewed and continuously trickled down power structures upholding Maryland since I have been a resident here. In my nearly 30 years of living in Maryland, I have been a victim of police brutality in Baltimore City specifically– which is what pushed me to explore beyond the communities I once called home. Yet still, I consistently stayed in touch with Baltimore politics: through non-profit organizing, corporate development, and industrial management. I’ve always loved working hard in the city of Baltimore. I’ve created my career and my life’s most lovable memories in our city.

In 2016 after the Freddie Gray riots, I came back to the city, to fight the good fight in Baltimore. Beyond just what the media portrayed, I have witnessed murders in the streets of Baltimore. These experiences exposed the root cause of inter-communal violence as targeted, intended, attacks against community members. Lastly, I learned that the only solution will be through loving and assisting the very people who failed us, broke us, and left our communities forgotten. No longer will we allow the people in power to simply serve themselves, smile, and
repeatedly win elections.

I’m not running for Mayor of Baltimore City to win your money. I am fighting for the opportunity to be the candidate/Mayor who got the job done. I will be the mayor for whom Baltimoreans will say “the system worked for and on behalf of us;” and “The Moore4Baltimore Administration reinstated the standard for what we need to expect from our leadership.”

How? My plans involve creating highly effective nonprofits, which provide vocational training to various communities, locally and regionally. My Lifting Handz Mentoring Program is a standing pillar and example of the scalable potential of my plans for Baltimore. My experience with this NPO taught me that all it takes to break & build functioning policies is the time it takes to mentor, invest in, and uplift our fellow community members. Not every solution needs to be profound, but transparency in planning is what will always make sense for everyone.
I’m not here to convince everyone but I’m here to say I need those who are willing to stand by me to stand up. This specific journey through politics is new for me; yet I know there is newness and potential here for you in my candidacy as well. I want to work with you all specifically.

This campaign is our campaign, and we may use it as a machine to heal the traumas in our community. I run this campaign because I want to build Maryland using its leading industries: Non-Profit & Policy. These are the vehicles my administration will use to not only benefit the city (at large,) but be beneficial to our own neighbors– so that we may finally see change in the city that we so love.

For all of the above, I will be running as a Conservative Candidate for the Office of Baltimore City Mayor. I am running Conservatively so that I can bypass the expected yet distracting rebuttals of the Maryland Democratic party; while simultaneously developing the structure and integrity of the standing Maryland Republican Party. I intend to always be fair and just in my evaluation and planning for the betterment of Baltimore City.

Voting for me is a #Vote4Moore #Moore4Baltimore

Conservative Candidate Michael Moore
Mayor of Baltimore City
By Authority of Moore for Baltimore;
Treasurer, Makayla Gilliam-Price

Moore for Baltimore
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