Melanated Indians. Not all Black people came to the Americas in the hull of a slave ship. Some were already here, and they were doing just fine. As the European penetrated our coasts, that’s when the fight broke out. And it was a long fight where melanated Indians were among the most ferocious warriors against enemy aggression – particularly the Seminoles down in Florida. Do not believe everything you read in American history books. They are often skewed to throw you off. Black Indians have deep roots. So, please don’t let anyone make you think otherwise.

Heck, just look up Luzia down in Brazil. She is the oldest known American to date, going back 12-14,000 years.

We must do our own research and learn for ourselves. The information is out there. All we have to do is look for it, especially in these days of the Internet.

#Indigenous #Autochthonous #Paleoamerican #weloveblackhistory #weloveafrica #historyoftheworld

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