We celebrate Black entrepreneurs and professionals
as well as the people who support them regardless of race.

(BALTIMORE – February 9, 2024) – You are invited to join the BMORENews.com Family as we host Black Wall Street HOODFELLAS on Tuesday, February 27, 2024, from 6 to 8 pm at Hoodfellas Bistro, located at 7 N. Calvert Street in the Munsey Building in Downtown Baltimore.

Honorees include Ertha Harris, President of the Baltimore Local Organizing Committee of the 1995 Million Man March, Host of the Tight Knit Radio Show on WOLB 1010 AM, and CEO of the Tight Knit.

Since 2011, BMORENews.com and its partners have celebrated Black entrepreneurs and professionals as well as the people who support them regardless of race. Honorees receive the Joe Manns Black Wall Street Award. While Joe has gone on, his legacy of helping Black organizations and businesses via his awards shop in Woodlawn is unmatched (in our humble opinion).

RSVP to https://blackwallstreethoodfellas2024.eventbrite.com.

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