This week, we delve into the issue of healthcare inequity. The healthcare system has always focused its attention on the treatment of men. Research has always been skewed towards male subjects, and much of the evidence we have about disease processes has been acquired by utilizing male subjects. Additionally, in the Obgyn world, there is a clear division in outcomes that is race-based. Black women, for example, are three times as likely to die during childbirth compared to their white counterparts. Why is this the case? The system and the people within it are sworn to provide care equally to all people. How do these shocking outcomes exist, and why have they lived for so many decades? What is the system doing to address these issues?  We talk with Dr. Tamika Auguste to find out. Tamika Auguste MD FACOG Physician Executive Director-Women’s Service Line, MedStar Health Chairwoman Women’s and Infants’ Services at MedStar Washington Hospital Center tamika_md

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