(BALTIMORE – September 9, 2022) – Leading community advocates throughout Baltimore City will announce the establishment of the Public Safety Partnership, Inc. (PSP) on Sunday, September 11, 2022, at 10:03 a.m. outside of Mergenthaler High School located at 3500 Hillen Rd, Baltimore, Md. 21218. The 501(c)(3) group focuses on all the factors leading to crime and all the stakeholders who can influence outcomes .

The brain trust of community leaders formed the PSP, Inc. to overcome the siloed and fragmented approach to addressing law enforcement issues, the void in partnerships across industries and sectors, and the absence of an independent and broad community-led voice and approach to improve conditions throughout Baltimore City.

Chris Ervin, the co-founder of the PSP, noted that conversations about crime are often focused narrowly on a district and driven by leaders who often don't have a personal stake in the well-being of the communities serviced.  Examining why crime occurs and continues to occur requires involvement from all sectors, focusing on the broken windows and cumulative factors that give rise to crime.  That will involve working across all municipal departments and systems to partnering with religious, state, federal, and nonprofit sectors for short- and long-term solutions.

Crystal Jackson Parker, the co-founder, highlighted the significance of this release on 9/11 stating, " we are public defenders, and any threat to the well-being of our people, communities, and environment requires decisive action.

For more information, contact Chris Ervin at 443-865-3364.

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