Black Wall Street HARLEM MIST, 9.14.18

We celebrate black entrepreneurs and professionals as well as the people who support them regardless of race. Since its inception in Washington, D.C. in 2011, Bmorenews and its partners have recognized hundreds in New York, Baltimore, Washington, Atlanta and New Orleans with the Joe Manns Black Wall Street Award. We do this in honor of those 10,000 African Americans displaced, at least 300 killed, and some 600 businesses destroyed May 31-June 1, 1921 in Tulsa, OK.

Last night’s event was at MIST Harlem and our hostess was Keira Wesley, a phenomenal woman.

Our honorees at this black-owned establishment in the heart of Harlem included:

MIST Harlem
Keira Wesley
Dallas Lee Bell
John Bunn
Traci Walls
Kay Marie Pressley
Mark McPhee
Isaac Scott
Haydee Lee Scott
Cleveland Manley
Sylvia White

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