(BALTIMORE – October 10, 2022) – There is an image of Baltimore that’s being put out there that is coarse. It is harsh and presumptive, even accusatory in certain ways, perpetually vilifying the victims and giving immunity to the real perpetrators who lurk in the shadows with wealthy bank accounts.

This is exactly why the upcoming Men Unifying Black Men event on Saturday, November 5, 2022, at 10 am at the Downtown Cultural Arts Center located at 401 N. Howard Street celebrating some outstanding brothers in Baltimore is so on time for it is also a perpetual reminder that despite the forces of darkness that have denied my people solely based on the melanin in our skin, there are some powerful forces of light who also refuse to be denied.

These are soldiers who are part of that continuum of freedom fighters going to the days of Frederick Douglass and Harriet Tubman and before when the fight for freedom was even more savage.

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