By Kamal Hubbard

(BAY AREA – September 8, 2023) – I’m happy to announce my collaboration with the DFINITY and the #internetcomputerprotocol! As part of this cooperative effort with #icphub North America, I will be covering this intriguing Layer 1 #blockchain and heading to the BlackBlockchainSummit to meet and collaborate with other projects, founders, and enthusiasts. I’m very excited to share infinitely inspirational content in the days and weeks ahead! #crypto

The summit will bring together Blockchain Enthusiasts, Entrepreneurs, and Thinkers to discuss a myriad of key challenges facing Black communities around the World. The objective of the summit is to find innovative and lasting solutions that disrupt the unsustainable status quo, bringing lasting prosperity and independence as envisaged by freedom fighters and liberators in the “Arusha Declaration”.

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