Baltimore Go-Getters SHINE at Historic Pennsylvania Avenue Parade 2022

Baltimore Go-Getters at Historic Pennsylvania Avenue Parade 2022. What a treat! This marching band has been doin’ the damn thing for 28 years and has long served the people of this community.
They bring life! They make us smile, no matter what’s going on in our own individual lives. They take our minds away as we reflect on the beauties and treasures of life.

Co-Coordinator Donna Brown gives the rundown on the organizational history in the end of clip.

Thank you, Baltimore Go-Getters for always bringing the love – as only you can! What a great organization. Keep doin’ what you’re doin’! We love you and we appreciate you!

– Doni Glover, Historic Pennsylvania Avenue Committee &, the news before the news where we uncover the truth!

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